Ben G. R.
The Hunt

Miller Theatre, New York City, NY
October 12 - October 14, 2023

Book and Music: Kate Soper
Direction: Ashley Kelly Tata
Dramaturgy: Annie Holt
Scenic Design: Aoshuang Zhang
Lighting Design: Masha Tsimring
Costume Design: Terese Wadden
Projection Design: Camilla Tassi
Sound Design: Elliot Yokum
Assistant projection and media design for The Hunt, presenting new work commissioned and produced by Miller Theatre at Columbia University.

Three virgins sit in a meadow, whiling the time away with songs, riddles, and livestream updates as they await the appearance of the majestic unicorn. But the weeks are dragging on, the court is getting antsy, and the king is threatening dire measures to verify the purity of his employees. Written for a cast of three self-accompanied singers, The Hunt reclaims a well-worn medieval legend to interrogate the contemporary obsession with regulating and restricting female sexuality, the consequences for gender deviance, the value of beauty, and the price of safety—all while captivating the audience with music that beguiles, provokes, and ultimately triumphs.